Attend One of Our Classes

Kindergarten & Elementary Grades 1 & 2

Classes are held on Sundays, 9:15 a.m. until 10:20 a.m.

Grades 4, 5, & 6

This class is for students who have already made their First Holy Communion. Classes are held on Sundays, 9:15 a.m. until 10:20 a.m. Students who are in the 3rd grade and up, and who have never attended Religious Education classes, please read "Third Grade & Older/First Year Attending Classes" below.

Middle School Youth Group / Grades 7 & 8

Class is held Sundays, after the 10:30 Mass in room 5.

First Holy Communion

Students who completed Second Grade Religious Education, and those who completed the Sunday morning classes for older students, should register for First Communion classes. Classes begin at 9:15 a.m. and include attending the 10:30 Mass with your class. Parents need to reinforce the teachings of the Church to their children by participating at Mass themselves. If your child was not baptized here at Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, we require a copy of his/her baptismal certificate at the time of registration. Parent/Guardian/Student Meeting to be held at the beginning of the school year. Time and place TBA.

Third Grade & Older / First Year Attending Classes

This class is for students who are in the 3rd grade and older, and have never attended religious education classes. This class provides the first of two years of religious education required to register and participate in the First Communion Preparation Program. Classes meet in room 7, Sundays, 9:15-10:20 a.m., beginning the fourth Sunday of September unless notified otherwise.


Confirmation is a two year process in our parish. We accept students in 9th grade and up. Students must attend Mass and class every Sunday. We begin Confirmation classes as a group at the 10:30 Mass and continue in the classroom until 1:00 p.m. If your child was not baptized here at Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, we require a copy of his/her baptismal certificate when you register for class.

  • Confirmation Year I: We begin with an Orientation Meeting for students and their Parents/Guardians. Time TBA.
  • Confirmation Year II: Begins on the second Sunday of September.

Rite of “Christian Initiation” of Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA process is for those who wish to be baptized, or for those who have been baptized in another religion and are considering joining the Catholic Church, or for adult Catholics who would like to be Confirmed and/or make their First Communion. If you or someone you know are interested, contact the office at 505-455-2267.


Baptism classes are required for parents and godparents, and are held the first Monday of the month. You must pre-register in order to attend these classes. Contact the parish office at 455-2472 to make arrangements for Baptism, and/or to sign up for classes.

Home School

For those who choose to teach at home, we have books and resource material available. However, for students preparing for the Sacraments, ie. First Holy Communion/Confirmation, it is recommended by the Archdiocese Presbyteral Council that you attend classes “as community” with your peers.

Blessing of Teachers / Assistants

The blessing of Teachars and Assistants is held the second Sunday of September at the 10:30 Mass. Blessing is for all teachers: Religious Education, Vacation Bible School, Baptism, RCIA, Public School, Home School, etc…

Meeting with Monsignor Jerome

Monsignor will meet with all students and their parents/guardians in the Church on the second Sunday of September, after the 10:30 Mass, for appx. ½ hour.

If you have any questions, please call Donna Martinez, Coordinator (505) 455-2267

Our Parish

Whether you are a Catholic or not, our arms are open with love, and you can come rejoice with us for the many gifts that our Lord has given.

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Our Churches

Our uniquely constructed churches are located throughout the Pojoaque Valley and contain magnificent artwork such as Santos and Retablos.

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