Thanks to our Altar Servers
Becoming an Altar Server is an important part of a young Catholic’s life. An Altar Server has the important
assignment of assisting the Priest, Deacons, and Acolytes during mass. Additionally, Altar Servers help the
community, and learn important life lessons in stewardship.
Altar servers can be male or female, and there is no age limit. Our parish will welcome any person who would like to join our parish as an Altar Server. Are you someone, or do you know someone, who would like to become an Altar Server? Then please contact us, and we will give you more information. If you would like to understand more about the responsibilities of an Altar Server, then please click the button below to learn more.
Whether you are a Catholic or not, our arms are open with love, and you can come rejoice with us for the many gifts that our Lord has given.
Our uniquely constructed churches are located throughout the Pojoaque Valley and contain magnificent artwork such as Santos and Retablos.
Curious about events in our parish such as Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Holy Days, Religious Trips, Special Events, and Weddings?